A consternation, as you should remember from grade school, is the collective noun for monsters. It is therefore a fitting title for a collection of short stories that each contain monsters of various sorts and shades.
In these tales, a creature of make-believe proves difficult to disbelieve, a trickster-god takes an unkindly interest in witnesses, eldritch horrors can be summoned using a quilt, frustrated wolves face dangerous prey, the angel of death wears a plaid sport coat, wise old women are to be feared and heeded, the corpses of legends can be perilous to have around, Elvis remains the once and future king of rock & roll, and where one of the most powerful and potentially destructive objects in the world is a fork.
This podcast will adapt and excerpt selected stories from this book as a mixture of audiobook and radio play, with occasional live readings as well.
For those of you who have listened to the previous eight episodes I produced, they will soon reappear here in adjusted redux versions, updating the commentary at the end of each episode for a new era. The unabridged audiobook of A Consternation of Monsters, featuring traditional audiobook recordings of the stories, is now available via Audible.com, Amazon.com and iTunes.