Author: Eric Fritzius
June 25, 2015
The book has received two glowing reviews in the past couple of weeks.
A brand new review, posted just today, is from the Unlimited Book Reviews blog. I’m frankly lucky to have had my book reviewed by Ingeious Cat at all, for she does not dig on the horror. Fortunately, my characters and funny won out in the end. She does a lot of reviews of ebooks and beyond and offers a free update service to let you know when new reviews are posted, which is how I saw my review when it arrived. Thanks much I.C.!
And a review that I mentioned on the A Consternation of Monsters Facebook page, but somehow neglected to mention here, is Joey Madia’s amazing review of it at his New Mystics Reviews blog. What’s impressive to me is that Joey’s review hits mighty close to the target on a few points I intentionally left vague in the stories. For instance, he nails the setting of a story in which the setting is left veiled at best. And the fact that he picked up on Kindred Spirit’s similarity to Ekhart from the 1989 Batman is nigh on the money. (Kin’s look was definitely an inspiration for that character, when that story was first written, in a year way closer to 1989 than to 2015.) Thanks much, Joey. Glad you liked it.